As educators, we want all students to learn deeply and well. Yet far too often, students attain only a superficial level of knowledge that fails to prepare them for deeper challenges in school and beyond. Why is this the case? And what can we do about it?
In this two-day online institute, Jay McTighe and Harvey Silver, authors of ASCD’s bestselling member book Teaching for Deeper Learning, will guide you through the what, why, and how of deep learning: What it is, why it’s so critical to student success, and how to make it work in your classroom, school, or district. Together, Jay and Harvey will show you how to raise student achievement and close learning gaps by establishing a deep learning culture—one that teaches all students the skills they need to build deep understanding of important content and transfer their learning to the real world.
You will learn…
This innovative online session will also include virtual breakout sessions and opportunities to design lessons collaboratively.