
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal

The CRAFT of Leadership
Supercharge Your School Improvement Efforts

What is the CRAFT of Leadership?

Leaders set the norms, guide the change process, and mobilize the staff around the common pursuit of excellence.  To help leaders manage and lead the change process, we focus in on the CRAFT of Leadership. Synthesized from the work of leading experts on education leadership (DuFour & Marzano, 2011; Fullan, 2016; Goodwin & Cameron, 2015; Reeves, 2009), the CRAFT of Leadership represents five critical growth-enabling capacities that leaders work to build across the system. The CRAFT capacities are outlined on the right.

By training and coaching school leaders in how to assess and increase these five capacities, we help ensure that that your school improvement efforts will succeed and be sustained over time.


Collaboration is the capacity to create opportunities that encourage teachers and administrators to exchange ideas, support each other, and work together as a team.


Reflection is the capacity to assess student learning and current instructional practices—and to use this assessment data to develop and/or revise instructional plans.


Adaptation is the capacity to support teachers as they learn and use research-based instructional strategies to address learning goals and differentiate instruction.


Focus is the capacity to develop well-defined goals that make sense based on available assessment data and to remain focused on achieving these goals over time.


Trust is the capacity to establish and maintain a positive culture that promotes the idea that “we’re all in this together.”

Need help developing your CRAFT?

We offer leadership academies, customized coaching, and ready-to-use leadership tools that help leaders transform their schools and districts into true learning organizations.

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Need help developing your CRAFT?


We offer leadership academies, customized coaching, and ready-to-use leadership tools that help leaders transform their schools and districts into true learning organizations.