
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal

Leadership Academies

Develop Your CRAFT: How to Nurture a Successful School Community for All Students

How do teachers and administrators in your school community Collaborate, Reflect, Adapt, Focus, and establish Trust? CRAFT is framework for helping schools build these key capacities that lead to improvements in leadership, teaching, and learning. This academy focuses on how leaders guide and grow successful schools by using CRAFT to prepare all students for success in school (and beyond).

During this interactive academy, participants will learn…

  • The CRAFT capacities that successful school communities commonly invest in: Collaboration, Reflection, Adaptation, Focus, and Trust.
  • How school leaders can build a culture of success that pays attention to CRAFT, especially how all teachers and administrators can Reflect and Adapt together to benefit all students.
  • How to conduct Learning Walks in their own schools to collect meaningful information about teaching and learning in every classroom.

From Evaluation to Growth: Leadership Tools for Enhancing Any Evaluation Framework

Of all the roles that school leaders are asked to play, instructional leadership is arguably the most challenging. How do school leaders provide high-quality feedback to all teachers about their classroom practice? And how do school leaders empower each teacher to select and implement research-based practices based on individual needs, goals, and observation data?

This academy is designed to help school leaders address the most critical challenges of instructional leadership so that all teachers can follow their own path for professional growth, and the entire staff can work together to improve student learning and achievement. Participants will walk away with practical leadership tools they can use to enhance their instructional leadership capacities and create a culture of continuous school improvement.

The Thoughtful Classroom Principal Effectiveness Framework

Raise the quality of leadership across your district with The Thoughtful Classroom Principal Evaluation Framework—the “simple and deep” approach to evaluating and growing school leaders.

During this three-day academy, we will work with principals and administrators to introduce The Thoughtful Classroom Principal Effectiveness Framework (TCPEF) and explain how schools can use the Framework to assess and improve leadership practices. A second purpose will be to highlight critical leadership skills and tools proven to enhance school effectiveness.

Over the course of three days, administrators will learn:

  • How to develop themselves as thoughtful and effective leaders through the CRAFT of Leadership
  • How the framework incorporates current research on effective leadership and helps administrators translate it into school practice
  • How to build and lead a strong organization using the Four Cornerstones of Effective leadership
  • How to develop a meaningful leadership portfolio
  • How to use the School Improvement Process to institute thoughtful and effective change across the school
  • A set of leadership tools designed to advance school improvement