
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal

The CRAFT of Leadership

The CRAFT of Leadership
Practice Your CRAFT. Solve Your Problems of Practice.

Leadership Coaching and Collaborative Planning

Needs Assessment, Planning, and Leadership Support

The purpose of these learning and planning sessions is to develop a deep understanding of the goals, challenges, and learning culture of your school or district—and to help you design or modify your school improvement plans based on the learning. A select member (or members) of the Thoughtful Classroom team will work collaboratively with the district-level and building-level leadership teams to identify “problems of practice” that are impeding student achievement. The Thoughtful Classroom coach(es) will also work with your leadership teams to identify the best tools for solving these problems of practice and raising student achievement.  During these sessions, the leadership team will

  • Conduct “Learning Walks” in district schools with the Thoughtful Classroom coach(es).
  • Review data and district priorities and develop a school improvement plan that is fully aligned with the district’s mission/goals and state expectations (as identified by the state’s accountability measures).
  • Reach consensus on the problems of practice that should serve as the focus for future professional development.
  • Learn the basics of the research-based tools and strategies that will be used to address student needs—and tailored to meet staff needs and district goals.
  • Establish a relationship of trust and support with the Thoughtful Classroom coach(es) so that the entire team can better support teachers as they implement new tools and strategies.

All leadership coaching is available onsite or online.

To learn more contact us at:

Ongoing Coaching, Assessment, and Capacity Building for School Leaders

Regular and targeted coaching for school leaders is a key to the success of any ambitious improvement plan. These onsite or online coaching sessions will help you assess the impact of your school improvement initiative, refine practice based on the assessment, and address your building leadership team’s/staff’s emerging needs. Some of the many ways these sessions can be used include

  • Modeling specific tools and strategies in real classrooms
  • Reviewing instructional designs and providing feedback
  • Conducting instructional rounds to develop collaborative-learning capacity
  • Increasing leverage – how to use job-embedded PD to help all teachers grow
  • Instructional leadership coaching (e.g., giving feedback, conducting Learning Walks, etc.)
  • Addressing “pesky” problems of practice
  • Calibrating/refining classroom observation
  • Data-analysis and strategic planning

Technical Assistance for District-Level Leaders

Thoughtful Classroom coaches work with district-level leaders onsite or online to assess the impact of the initiative, identify challenges, and provide technical assistance and planning support. These “big-picture” sessions are designed to help district leadership solve problems and implement system-wide change.

Let us help you raise achievement across your school or district.