
Latest Past Events

Teaching for Deeper Learning: Strategies and Tools for Engaging Meaning Making

Walter E. Washington Convention Center (Washington, DC)

Join best-selling authors, Jay McTighe and Harvey Silver, as they preview content from their award-winning ASCD book, Teaching for Deeper Learning: Tools to Engage Students in Meaning Making. Harvey and Jay will share a set of practical and proven strategies and tools to actively engage students in making meaning.

IAGC Conference: SESSION 3 BREAKOUT: The CRAFT of Leadership

Effective Program Leadership 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Room 162 Description Whether you’re the leader of a district gifted program, the administrator of a school, or a member of a team of teachers you can influence everyone’s leadership effectiveness by advancing the C.R.A.F.T. of Leadership within your school. Developing the skills of collaboration, reflection, adaptation, focus, and […]

IAGC Conference: SESSION 2 BREAKOUT: Change the Question; Change the Thinking

SESSION 2 BREAKOUT: Change the Question; Change the Thinking Evidence-Based Curriculum and Instruction In this interactive and 'applicable tomorrow' presentation participants will learn the why and also how deeper questioning not only increases the level of thinking in the classroom but leads to greater engagement, transfer and just pure joy for the gifted learner. Wherever […]