Instructional leaders are the engine that drives school improvement.
What Do Instructional Leaders Need to Succeed?

We can help. We’ll listen, learn, and collaborate with your team to help you refine your current plan or build from scratch a focused improvement plan that your whole staff can get behind.

We can help. We’ll work with your team to focus in on a manageable set of instructional tools and strategies that support your improvement plan. And we’ll deliver your selected tools and strategies (based on our award-winning TOOLS series) to your entire team via an online professional learning suite. Learn more about our suites at

We can help. Leading improvement across a school or district is not easy work. Our team of experienced trainers and coaches can help your team build the leadership “know-how” needed to guide school-wide improvement, conduct high-impact staff trainings, and coach and support all teachers.

We can help. With a customized professional learning suite of tools and strategies supporting your work, you’ll never be locked into a program or cookie-cutter solution. As your needs and goals evolve, so can your suite. It’s easy to add new content, new tools and strategies, and new PD resources.
Thoughtful Classroom™ Professional Learning Suites with Coaching
“The best and most cost-effective way to grow instructional leadership capacity.”

What is a Thoughtful Classroom Professional Learning Suite?
Designed and led by today’s top expert on instruction, Dr. Harvey Silver, along with the Thoughtful Classroom team, each suite focuses your team on important instructional goals and models specific instructional tools and strategies for addressing those goals.
So Many Ways to Fuel Your Learning
Every suite provides your team with a wealth of learning resources to help you improve practice.
Video Tutuorials
Brief and engaging presentations that show you how to use tools and strategies
Key Content Cues
All the critical content from the tutorials in a handy PDF that makes it easy to review and plan
PD Resources & Supplements
Targeted supports, including sample lessons, teacher tips, and classroom video segments
Planning and Reflection Guides
Fillable forms that make planning lessons and reflecting on the results a snap
Classroom Resources
Ready-to-use resources, including student handouts, reproducibles, and classroom posters
Check out all of the
Thoughtful Classroom Professional Learning Suites
Tools and Strategies for Active, In-Depth Learning
Best Bets: From Research to Practice
Special Edition: Custom Curated Suites
Powerful Frameworks for Better Teaching and Learning
Want to Build Your Own Custom Suite?
No problem! We build custom suites for schools and districts all the time. We’re happy to work with you and your team to select a focused set of tools and strategies tied directly to your school improvement goals and priorities.
Check out the available tool and strategy tutorials below.
Building Positive Relationships
- All for One & One for All
- Check Your Mood at the Door
- Community CIRCLE
- Getting to Know You
- Interaction in an Instant
- Say “S” to Resolving Conflicts
Classroom Inquiry
- Inquiry Frames
- Mystery
- Inductive Learning
- If-Then
- Yes-No Inquiry
Classroom Management
- 7-Step Directions
- Procedural PRO
- Respectfully Yours
- Rules to Live & Learn By
- Student-Friendly Learning Targets
Comparative Thinking
- Designing Great Comparison Lessons
- Metaphorical Expression
- Decision Making
- Community CIRCLE
- Forced Choice
- STAIRS (Principles of Effective Feedback)
- Glow & Grow
- What & Why Feedback
- The “Ps” to Better Work
- Knee-to-Knee Conference
- The Five Cs of In-Lesson Feedback
Formative Assessment
- Clear or Cloudy?
- Stop, Slow, Go!
- Questioning in Style
- Because
- Graduated Difficulty
Improving Reading Comprehension
- Power Previewing
- Mind’s Eye
- Single-Sentence Summaries
- Scavenger Hunt
- Reading Stances
- 4-2-1 Summarize
- Reading for Meaning
Increasing Engagement
- Classroom Games
- Divergent Thinking
- Effort Tracker
- Personal Best
- Scavenger Hunt
- Questioning in Style
Lesson & Unit Design
- “Five Episodes” Design Framework
- Essential Questions
- A Study In . . .
- Concept Word Walls
Note Making & Summarizing
- Window Notes
- Math Notes
- Interactive Note Making
- Three Ways of Webbing
- Split Screen
- S-O-S Graphic Organizers
- 4-2-1 Summarize
- AWESOME Summaries
Nurturing Thinking Skills & Habits
- 3C Word Walls
- Because
- Forced Choice
- The Power of Pause
- Power Previewing
Setting Clear Learning Objectives
- Learning Window
- Student-Friendly Learning Targets
- Post-Discuss Reference (PDR)
Your Path to Improvement Starts Here
Check Out a Sample TOOL Tutorial