
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal

Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative

A Pathway to Deeper Learning

A Three Phase Approach for Developing Deeper Learning Coaches

Learning  |  Action Research  |  Scaling

Pathway to Deeper Learning Video Training

Kickoff Training Session


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Session 1

Learning Session 1 Video Training

January 18, 2023


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KVEC’s DL Coaching & Support Session 1 

January 31, 2023

Session 2

Learning Session 2 Video Training

February 9, 2023


Click below to download resources.

KVEC’s DL Coaching & Support Session 2

February 28, 2023


Click below to download resources.

Session 3

Learning Session 3 Video Training

March 10, 2023


Click below to download resources.


We understand that Deeper Learning Coaches will receive $5,000 over the course of the grant, but how much will they receive for the Spring Semester of 2023?

DL Coaches will receive a $1,500 stipend for the Spring Semester of 2023 and we anticipate $1,500 for each semester next school year and $500 for the Fall of 2024.

Since our school district pays the DL Coaches’ stipends and is reimbursed, should we add the stipend to the extra service salary schedule for board approval?

See below for direction given from KDE’s Division of Budget and Financial Management. Only move forward with any decision after consulting with your CFO. If considering extending the stipend to four years with district funds, contact KTRS for questions impacting retirement. Each district may handle this slightly different.

“If the Deeper Learning work is not part of the Coaches regular contract work then the district should code the stipend as Extra Duty.  The district must also adhere to its Board approved policies regarding Extra Duty pay.”

What does our district need to submit for reimbursement of the DL Coaches’ stipends?

KVEC can reimburse quarterly for invoices received that includes a MUNIS report detailing who and how much was paid. Please submit by the end of September, December, March or by June 15th to johnny.belcher@hazardkyschools.us.

What does our district need to submit for reimbursement of substitute teacher cost for DL Coaches attending in-person trainings or activities?

KVEC can reimburse quarterly for invoices received that includes substitute cost for each DL Coach and a MUNIS report detailing who and how much was paid. Please submit by the end of September, December, March or by June 15th to johnny.belcher@hazardkyschools.us.

What does our district need to submit for reimbursement of travel costs associated with DL Coaches attending in-person trainings or activities?

KVEC can reimburse quarterly for invoices received requesting travel costs for each DL Coach that includes a copy of the original district travel reimbursement request and a MUNIS report detailing who and how much was paid.  Please submit by the end of September, December, March or by June 15th to johnny.belcher@hazardkyschools.us.

What project code do we use in MUNIS for the Deeper Learning Grant?

KVEC does not have access to MUNIS, but we have been informed that Project 563J has been created in MUNIS for the Deeper Learning Grant.

Can we spend more than 67% of our grant award on DL Coaches’ stipends?

Yes, you can spend more than 67%, but you cannot spend less on DL Coaches’ stipends.

Does the amount we must spend on DL Coaches’ stipends include the fringe benefit cost?

Yes, when deciding how many DL Coaches you can provide stipends for, include your Chief Financial Officer in this decision so they may help with the cost of fringe benefits.

Will fringe benefits for stipends be calculated on a state or federal rate?

The Deeper Learning Grant is federally funded, so fringe benefits should be calculated on the federal rate.

Could we be provided with a Deeper Learning Coach Job Description?

Follow this link – Deeper Learning Coach Job Description 

We understand there is a $200 cost per Deeper Learning Coach for them to have access to the Thoughtful Classroom Online Learning Suite, but who arranges for access and is this on a reimbursement basis?

KVEC will arrange for access to the Thoughtful Classroom Online Learning Suite from the listing of Deeper Learning Coaches on the November 2nd Kickoff Registration. To streamline this process, KVEC will purchase the license for each Deeper Learning Coach and subtract from your award amount not used for stipends. This is the only expense that will not use a reimbursement process.