
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal


A Professional Learning Suite

Moving From Note Taking to Note Making

Tools and strategies that will help you empower your students to become active note makers and effective summarizers

Featuring Dr. Harvey Silver, today’s leading expert on instructional tools and strategies

Making Good Notes Is Essential to Academic Success

Unfortunately, in too many classrooms, making notes involves little more than copying what the teacher writes or says. We call this note taking. Note making is something else entirely. It is an active process that requires students to identify important details, analyze big ideas, raise questions, note personal reactions and feelings, and make connections to their prior knowledge and experiences.

This professional learning suite will help you help your student become expert note makers who can actively process what they are learning and turn their thinking into powerful notes and summaries.

What Tools And Strategies Will I Find In This Suite?


Note Making Tools

  • Window Notes: Helps students see notes as powerful and personal records of learning
  • Math Notes: Teaches students how to analyze and solve word problems
  • Interactive Note Making: Uses the power of notes to improve reading comprehension
  • Three Ways of Webbing: Helps students see the relationships between big ideas and details
  • Split Screen: Combines the verbal and visual to enhance students’ meaning-making skills
  • S-O-S Graphic Organizers: Teaches students how to use organizers to collect critical information

Summarizing Tools

  • 4-2-1 Summarize: Uses the power of collaboration to improve both note-making and summarizing skills
  • AWESOME Summaries: Uses the AWESOME acronym to help students internalize the process for making great summaries


  • Practical resources to help teachers and PLCs plan, reflect, and analyze student work.

Click above for an advance organizer of the tools and strategies in this suite.

Your Path to Improvement Starts Here

Check Out a Sample TOOL Tutorial

Testimonial: Mike McQueen

“By providing teachers the convenience of learning on their own schedule in a format that focuses on practical tools they can use immediately, the suites have helped us ensure each student has access to high-quality instruction within our building.”

Mike McQueen


C.W. Davis Middle School • Flowery Branch, GA

Testimonial: Sharon Paver-Nepote

“The Thoughtful Classroom Online Suites naturally and easily expanded my ability to deliver tailored and targeted professional development for my teachers. These suites have been a driving force in my school’s improvement process.”

Dr. Sharon Paver-Nepote


Wagoner Elementary School • Sauk Village, IL

Testimonial: Mary Belcher: Suites

“Together, the Four Cornerstones and Five Episodes suites provide the professional learning foundation that has made it possible for us to build a large-scale PD initiative focused on deeper learning.”

Mary Belcher

Instructional Lead and Learning Acceleration Specialist,

Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative (KVEC) • Hazard, KY

Check out all of the

Thoughtful Classroom Professional Learning Suites

Tools and Strategies for Active, In-Depth Learning

Helping Students Connect Personally with Learning

Promoting Classroom Inquiry


Improving Reading Comprehension

Unlocking the Power of Comparative Thinking

Moving From Note Taking to Note Making

Best Bets: From Research to Practice

Increasing the Power of Classroom Questioning

Using Formative Assessent to Advance Student Learning

Using Feedback to Advance Student Learning

Special Edition: Custom Curated Suites

Engagement Tools

(curated by Dr. Harvey Silver) 

Powerful Frameworks for Better Teaching and Learning

The Five Episodes of Effective Instruction

The Four Cornerstones of Effective Classrooms