Featuring Dr. Harvey Silver, today’s leading expert on instructional tools and strategies
We all want active learning and deep thinking.
So, how do we help students get there?
An inquiry-based approach to instruction increases student engagement, makes learning active, promotes deeper understanding of content, and empowers students to take greater control over their own learning. But as impressive as that list of benefits may be, many teachers report that building inquiry into classroom learning can be a real challenge.
This professional learning suite is designed specifically to help you make inquiry—and all the benefits that come with it—a reality in your classroom. It contains a set of practical tools and strategies that make it easy to turn whatever you’re teaching into powerful inquiry-based learning experiences. Rather than treating inquiry as something separate from everyday instruction, this suite shows you how to use inquiry to guide the teaching and learning process and increase students’ motivation to learn classroom content.
What Tools & Strategies Will I Find In This Suite?
Promoting Classroom Inquiry: Overview
- Introduction: Dr. Harvey Silver presents a practical definition of inquiry, walks you through the critical research, and shows you how teachers turn that research into practical classroom applications.
- Advanced Playbook: Dr. Silver walks you through a set of “power moves” for better classroom inquiry.
Tools and Strategies to Promote Inquiry in the Classroom
- Inquiry Frames: Provides a range of ways to set up inquiry-based learning that will capture students’ attention and encourage students to explore classroom content deeply
- Yes-No Inquiry: A simple way to scaffold the skills of generating and testing hypotheses and teach students how to ask questions that help them gather information and build a plausible explanation
- Inductive Learning: Guides students through the process examining details to arrive at generalizations and make predictions, which they test against new learning
- Mystery: Helps you frame content you want to teach as a mystery to be solved and empowers students to examine clues, develop hypotheses, and work to solve the mystery.
- If-Then: Teaches students a replicable process they can use to conduct investigations on topics of interest to them.
- Practical resources to help teachers and PLCs plan, reflect, and analyze student work.
Your Path to Improvement Starts Here
Check Out a Sample TOOL Tutorial
Check out all of the
Thoughtful Classroom Professional Learning Suites
Tools and Strategies for Active, In-Depth Learning
Best Bets: From Research to Practice
Special Edition: Custom Curated Suites
Powerful Frameworks for Better Teaching and Learning