
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal


How Three Commitments Make ALL the Difference

As an approved IL-EMPOWER Learning Partner with a legacy of success in Illinois and around the country, let us show you how three commitments make all the difference in raising student achievement.

Matthew J. Perini

January 8, 2020

2:00PM to 3:00PM ET

Cost Details: FREE – includes a FREE copy of the award-winning book, Tools for Classroom Instruction That Works!

For over forty years, Silver Strong & Associates has been a leader in helping schools make students as important as standards. By paying attention to what research and practice tell us about effective instruction, high-quality leadership, organizational success, and student motivation, we have helped hundreds of schools and districts across the country raise the quality of teaching and learning.

Join Senior Director of Content Development, Matthew Perini, as he demonstrates how our partner schools have made significant gains by making THREE COMMITMENTS:

  1. Establishing a culture for learning (Commitment 1).
  2. Identifying and addressing specific problems of practice that are impeding student achievement (Commitment 2).
  3. Developing instructional leadership capacity to support and sustain growth (Commitment 3).


All webinar participants will receive a FREE copy of the award-winning book, Tools for Classroom Instruction That Works!

Questions? Need More Information?

Contact Alexis Connor, Director of Client Management, at 479-372-6507 or aconnor@thoughtfulclassroom.com.