
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal


Spark, Sustain, and Cultivate Curiosity in the Classroom

Join Susan Kreisman and Dr. Tom Dewing for this in-depth look at practical ways to spark, sustain, and cultivate curiosity in any classroom.

Susan Kreisman

Tom Dewing

January 15, 2020

12:00PM to 1:00PM ET

Cost Details: FREE – All webinar participants will receive a new tool to try in the classroom—Curiosity Catalysts—from our new book, Tools for Igniting Curiosity!


As educators, we all wish for our students to become more self-motivated and to show a greater passion for learning. But how can we turn this universal wish into classroom reality? How can we help our students develop that “yearning for learning” that spurs discovery and promotes deep understanding? By tapping into the most basic and powerful learning drive of all—curiosity.

Join Susan Kreisman and Dr. Tom Dewing for this in-depth look at practical ways to spark, sustain, and cultivate curiosity in any classroom. This webinar will also offer a look at the new book, Tools for Igniting Curiosity: Classroom-Ready Techniques for Increasing Engagement and Inspiring the Love of Learning.


All webinar participants will receive a new tool to try in the classroom—Curiosity Catalysts—from our new book, Tools for Igniting Curiosity!

Questions? Need More Information?

Contact Alexis Connor, Director of Client Management, at 479-372-6507 or aconnor@thoughtfulclassroom.com.