Opening a Window Into Better Professional Learning: How an A-Ha Moment Made our PLCs Stronger | by Sharon Paver-Nepote, Ed.D. | August 24, 2023 | “They knew, but they did not understand. This is why they were not able to transfer their learning and apply it.” As I...
NEW! The Five Episodes of Effective Instruction Make the work of instructional design easier and more effective by addressing five universal goals, or episodes, that define all successful learning sequences. Learn More 5 IDEAS for Developing Real-World Thinking Skills...
THU | SEP 16 • 3:30PM – 4:30PM This school year is shaping up to be the most challenging yet. But with challenge comes opportunity. If we take the opportunity to focus our instruction on deeper learning then we can help all of our students develop the thinking skills...
THU | SEP 9 • 3:30PM–4:30PM Current anxieties about learning loss are guiding many educators’ decision making. But what if this moment presents an opportunity to advance the most important goal of all—deeper learning for all students. In this new webinar, Matthew...