McREL Blog | June 13, 2019 | By Matthew J. Perini → Imagine asking hundreds of students and adults to share their unfiltered thoughts and feelings about taking notes in school. What do you think you’d get back? It turns out . . . READ...
Making Lessons Memorable: Designing from Two Perspectives ASCD EXPRESS | August 9, 2018 (Volume 13, Issue 23) | By Harvey F. Silver, Susan Kreisman → What do we want students to learn? What do we want them to remember—tomorrow? Next month? Next year? Clearly,...
Effective Communication Needs Common Language and Goals ASCD EXPRESS | April 9, 2015 | By Lindsay Vieira, Dean Auriemma → Where has the magic gone? In my travels as an education consultant, I have worked with hundreds of educators in hundreds of schools who are...
Helping Students Climb the Common Core Staircase ASCD Educational Leadership | March 1, 2014 (Volume 71, Number 6) | By Harvey F. Silver, Matthew J. Perini → To prepare students for demanding assessments, we need to teach them how to examine and refine their own...
Tips for Engaging Students in Scientific Thinking ASCD EXPRESS | July 18, 2013 (Volume 8, Issue 21) | By Claudia M. Geocaris, Rochelle Green → “I hate science. We never DO anything!” We often hear this lament from students, and if their science...