Why Teaching for Deeper Learning Matters Now More Than Ever | by Harvey F. Silver | October 6, 2020 | Who can say with any degree of confidence what school will look like for the remainder of this school year—or in the future? Clearly, the pandemic has forced...
Instructional Shifts to Support Deep Learning ASCD Educational Leadership | September 2020 (Volume 78, Number 1) | By Jay McTighe, Harvey F. Silver Do you want to promote deep and lasting learning? Of course you do. All educators want their students to learn...
Transform Homework into Home Learning ASCD EXPRESS | August 27, 2020 (Volume 15, Issue 24) | By Harvey F. Silver, Matthew J. Perini Far too often, students view any schoolwork that they need to do at home as an imposition—something to get through, or worse,...
Why Aren’t Students Learning Deeply and What Can We Do About It? | by Harvey F. Silver | February 26, 2020 | All educators want their students to learn well and deeply. Yet, as Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine’s In Search of Deeper Learning (2019) makes clear, deep...