
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal

2022 OABSE Midwest Conference – Executive Function: The Key to Reading Proficiency

OABSE Virtual Annual Conference

Proficient reading is perhaps the most critical of all academic skills. But what does it mean to be a proficient reader? Proficient readers engage deeply with texts, collect and evaluate textual evidence, and attend to important text features. Such readers are also self-aware: they understand that they need to make these processes conscious and that […]

Teaching for Deeper Learning

ASCD 2023 Annual Conference Denver, CO, United States

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment | Learning Lab— SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST, 2023 —Mile High Ballroom 2B1:00PM – 2:30PM MTWhat is deeper learning? How should curriculum be framed to promote deeper learning? How should deeper learning be assessed? What kinds of instruction are needed to help students learn deeply? In this session, renowned educators and best-selling authors Jay […]

Leadership CPR: How to Revive and Restore Greatness Inside Your School

ASCD 2023 Annual Conference Denver, CO, United States

Systems / Organizational Leadership | Innovator Talks— SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST, 2023 —Room 3032:45PM – 3:45PM MTLeaders set the norms, guide the change process, and mobilize staff around the common pursuit of excellence. Arguably, of all the roles that school leaders are asked to play, instructional leadership is the most challenging. By focusing on the CRAFT […]

Executive Function: The Secret Ingredient for Deeper Learning

ASCD 2023 Annual Conference Denver, CO, United States

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment | Innovator Talks— SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST, 2023 —Room 20310:45AM – 11:45AM MTIn this session, attendees will explore the secret ingredient that helps teachers improve student behavior and learning through better instruction: executive function. Simply stated, executive function is the way the brain processes information and makes decisions. Dr. Harvey Silver and Margaret […]

Aspiring Superintendents Seminar

ASCD 2023 Annual Conference Denver, CO, United States

FACILITATORS: Dr. Barbara Pulliam, Lead Faculty, Consultant and NABSE Secretary Superintendent Commission Dr. Renee Willis, Faculty, Superintendent Richmond Heights Local Schools Dr. Anthony Hamlet, Faculty, Consultant and Former Superintendent Pittsburgh Public Schools Mr. Donald Jolly, Faculty, Superintendent Warrensville Heights City School District Mr. Tyrone Olverson, Faculty, Consultant and OABSE Co-chair Superintendent Commission ASPIRING SUPERINTENDENT'S SESSION TOPICS […]

OABSE 2023 – Opening Plenary: Dr. Harvey Silver

• Welcome, Introductions, and House Keeping – Thanda Maceo, President OABSE • CCS Student Performance – Ft. Hayes Career, Technical Pre-Professional Dance • Introduction of Keynote Speaker – Tijuana Russell, 1st. Vice President OABSE and President Franklin County ABSE • Keynote Speaker Address – Dr. Harvey Silvers, CEO of SSA • Closing Remarks – Thanda […]

A Roadmap for Helping All Students Become Proficient Readers

Thanks to decades of research, we know what works best in reading instruction. So why do reading comprehension problems still hamper so many of our students? What are we missing? In this session, Dr. Harvey Silver, today’s leading expert on instructional strategies, and Susan Kreisman will present a “Good Reader’s Roadmap” informed by research on […]

So Each May Thrive: Classroom Tools for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

ASCD 2023 Annual Conference Denver, CO, United States

As educators, our dedication to academic excellence for all students is built on a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Faced with different instructional and management considerations, how do we meet the challenge of creating a learning environment that ensures each student has a full opportunity to thrive? In this session, Dr. Ida Turpin will […]

OAESA CONFERENCE: Classroom Cornerstones: Building Effective and Engaging Learning Environments for All

OAESA Conference 100 Green Meadows Drive South, Lewis Center, OH, United States

OH Association of Elementary School AdministratorsCONFERENCE CLINIC SESSIONS | 11:10AM – 12:10PM ETSESSION 5BFRIDAYJUNE16Research on teacher effectiveness tells us that a successful classroom is so much more than a well-managed classroom. This session introduces educators to the Four Cornerstones—universal, research-based foundations for building effective and engaging learning environments for all students.QUESTIONS? NEED INFO? Contact Alexis […]

2023 Kentucky Deeper Learning Conference – ONE DAY ONLY!

ONE-DAY CONFERENCE Monday— JULY 17th 2023 —9:00AM – 3:00PM ETEAST HARDIN MIDDLE SCHOOL810 New Glendale Rd.  |  Elizabethtown, KY 42701The KAEC Mission KAEC’s Deeper Learning team is partnering with school districts across the Commonwealth in pursuit of the acquisition and development of content, skills, and dispositions that ALL learners need to thrive in life. With a […]


KEYNOTE: Executive Function: The Key to Reading for Meaning

2023 Dyslexia Therapy Conference – Mississippi College (Canton, MS)

On Friday, September 29th, the Mississippi Chapter of ALTA welcomes as keynote speaker, Dr. Harvey Silver, renowned educator, author, and coach, providing a two-part presentation on “Executive Function: The Key to Reading for Meaning.”

IAGC Conference: SESSION 2 BREAKOUT: Change the Question; Change the Thinking

SESSION 2 BREAKOUT: Change the Question; Change the Thinking Evidence-Based Curriculum and Instruction In this interactive and 'applicable tomorrow' presentation participants will learn the why and also how deeper questioning not only increases the level of thinking in the classroom but leads to greater engagement, transfer and just pure joy for the gifted learner. Wherever […]

IAGC Conference: SESSION 3 BREAKOUT: The CRAFT of Leadership

Effective Program Leadership 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Room 162 Description Whether you’re the leader of a district gifted program, the administrator of a school, or a member of a team of teachers you can influence everyone’s leadership effectiveness by advancing the C.R.A.F.T. of Leadership within your school. Developing the skills of collaboration, reflection, adaptation, focus, and […]

Teaching for Deeper Learning: Strategies and Tools for Engaging Meaning Making

Walter E. Washington Convention Center (Washington, DC) , United States

Join best-selling authors, Jay McTighe and Harvey Silver, as they preview content from their award-winning ASCD book, Teaching for Deeper Learning: Tools to Engage Students in Meaning Making. Harvey and Jay will share a set of practical and proven strategies and tools to actively engage students in making meaning.

From Scavenger Hunts to Interactive Note Making: How Practical Instructional Tools Can Help You Nurture Proficient Readers in Every Classroom

As teachers, the most critical academic skill we can help students develop is their proficiency as readers. This is true in ELA and every classroom, regardless of grade level or content area. If we want students to engage deeply with texts, collect and evaluate textual evidence, attend to important text features, and make meaningful notes, then we need to build their skills and confidence as proficient readers who regularly process texts in these ways. In this session, participants will explore two reading tools designed to engage students and empower them to address even the most rigorous literary and informative texts.