
Exemplary Teaching – The Only Way to Raise Test Scores


Rick Fisher is a longtime Kentucky educator and current school improvement specialist who is working with schools to promote exemplary teaching in every classroom. In this powerful 30-minute webinar, Rick will . . .

Complete Thoughtful Classroom Framework Training for School Leaders – 4-Day ONLINE Training (DEC 10, 12, 17, 19)


Explore the only “simple and deep” teacher evaluation framework and learn how to onboard new administrators, refresh your own practice, and help all teachers grow through the use of tools.

This training will include the inter-rater reliability training now required by the state of Michigan.

These sessions are designed for school leaders and evaluators who have never been trained in The Thoughtful Classroom Teacher Effectiveness Framework or for those school leaders and evaluators who feel like they need a complete overview of the framework.

Exemplary Teaching: The Only Way to Raise Test Scores


As we start 2025, school leaders have an opportunity to re-focus on what matters most: classroom instruction. We know that effective instruction leads to deeper learning and higher student achievement, so how are you helping all of your teachers become exemplary this school year?

Joy, Value, and Connection: A Simple Framework for Leading and Learning


A Free Webinar for Superintendents, Aspiring Superintendents, and School Board Members. Join us for this exclusive 30-minute webinar, featuring Michael Cornell, a highly successful superintendent and creator of the SUNY-Buffalo Aspiring Superintendent Program.