Tools for Igniting Curiosity
The leading expert in curiosity joins forces with the leading experts in classroom-ready tools to provide everything you need to get your students fired up about learning!
“What sort of resource do we want as educators? Something that addresses a need, something grounded in research, something easy to grasp and implement, and something that makes a difference for our students. With Tools for Igniting Curiosity, that’s exactly what the authors have provided.“
—Pete Hall, Professional Development Agent, Former Principal, Co-author of The Principal Influence
Tools for Igniting Curiosity
by: Bryan Goodwin, Harvey F. Silver, Susan Kreisman, Matthew J. Perini
Forward by R. Thomas Dewing
As educators, we all wish for our students to become more self-motivated and to show a greater passion for learning. But how can we turn this universal wish into classroom reality? How can we help our students develop that “yearning for learning” that spurs discovery and promotes deep understanding? By tapping into the most basic and powerful learning drive of all—curiosity.
Combining the research-based insights of curiosity expert Bryan Goodwin with ready-to-use instructional tools developed by Harvey Silver and the Thoughtful Classroom team, this book will help you unleash the power of curiosity in your classroom. Designed for teachers of all grade levels and content areas, Tools for Igniting Curiosity provides everything you’ll need to get your students fired up about learning.
ISBN: 978-1-58584-218-9
PRICE: $25.95