
Best bets for building a culture of shared leadership

by Rick Fisher and Sharon Nepote

Check out our new article published in The Learning Professional – The Learning Forward Journal

Tools for Promoting Active, In-Depth Learning


By Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong, Matthew J. Perini

Published by Silver Strong & Associates

An “oldie but goodie,” this is the book that launched the tools revolution!


Learning is an active process. The second edition of this award-winning bestseller contains 85 classroom-tested, ready-to-use techniques that will transform any classroom into an “aerobics session for the mind.” Learn how to actively engage students in your classroom, develop critical thinking skills, improve assessment, and inspire all students.

This classic resource contains tools for

  • Activating prior knowledge
    • Building notemaking skills
    • Improving writing
    • Building vocabulary
    • Deepening reflection
    • Classroom questioning
    • Promoting cooperation
    • Reviewing
    • Teaching & practicing skills
    • Assessing student performances

And many more!

Tools has enabled me to keep learning in the classroom active, alive, and fun. It is organized for easy access and filled with wonderful strategies, so that I’m never at a loss for how to keep my students motivated and thinking deeply.

Kathy Golden

8th Grade Science Teacher, West Magnet School, Lagrange, GA

… Activating Prior Knowledge, Improving Writing, Assessing Student Performances, Building Students’ Notemaking Skills, and Promoting Cooperation are just a few of the section titles that speak directly to the learning needs of my students. In fact, there isn’t a section in this book that doesn’t address the learning needs of my students.

Sherry Gibbon

Social Studies Department Chair and Teacher, Penn Yan Central School, Penn Yan, NY

If you ever find yourself struggling to engage your students, at a loss for how to bring content alive, or simply in need of an effective and easy way to enliven learning, Tools is the answer. It is a valuable asset for any classroom and in my own it has become as indispensable as the chalkboard.

Jerry Huels

Math Teacher, Ladue High School, St. Louis, MO

Additional information

Weight 1.05 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 in


First Publication Date

January 2001


Thoughtful Education Press (Silver Strong & Associates)





Item No:


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